2020 is STILL HAPPENING?!?!?!

Well, well, well, long time no... anything. I'm sure you can guess why there hasn't been a post in a while. I imagine it's the same reason anytime I ask someone on a video chat, "what's new?" a scowl of darkness takes over their face. Nothing is new. We are all in stasis. BUT, isolation … Continue reading 2020 is STILL HAPPENING?!?!?!

In a While Crocodile

I made it. Half hour in a cab, 3 hours at the airport, 14 hours to Seoul, 2 more hours in an airport, one more hour in the sky, and one more hour in a car. Easy peasy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lAMm5YWAc0&feature=youtu.be The storm that blew into town on Tuesday the 12th turned Pearson airport into a slideshow … Continue reading In a While Crocodile