Up In The Air

Last month was a trip... literally. I spent about 33 hours on a plane and bounced between three different countries; saw friends and family, laughed a lot, went delirious from jet-lag, and ate all the ice cream. TOKYO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUpQCQdmXCU ONTARIO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FIstosLhSM Tokyo for a weekend (to crash my pal's honeymoon), and Ontario for a week … Continue reading Up In The Air

A Trilogy in 5 Parts; Month 5 of my Korean Adventure

You will hear a lot of advice about how to live in a foreign country (if you decide to do so). The most important I will ever impart is this: there is no point if you don't have adventures. It's easy to get caught up in your daily bubble - work, errands, home, repeat. But … Continue reading A Trilogy in 5 Parts; Month 5 of my Korean Adventure