Farewell Tour 안녕히 게세요

And that's a wrap. (For now?) It was bitter-sweet leaving Korea, saying goodbye to my students, friends and kimchi stew. But, after four years, I was ready to come home. I missed my family (ew gross, don't tell them!), friends, and country. But most of all, I missed pizza. Korea is home to a plethora … Continue reading Farewell Tour 안녕히 게세요


Well hello! Been a long time. As you've likely guessed, the reason I haven't posted in so long is due to my incarceration for public nudity the global pandemic. I didn't think you'd want to see my trips to the market or my daily study sessions in a coffee shop (milk tea is so good … Continue reading MASKS ON, WHEELS UP

Up In The Air

Last month was a trip... literally. I spent about 33 hours on a plane and bounced between three different countries; saw friends and family, laughed a lot, went delirious from jet-lag, and ate all the ice cream. TOKYO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUpQCQdmXCU ONTARIO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FIstosLhSM Tokyo for a weekend (to crash my pal's honeymoon), and Ontario for a week … Continue reading Up In The Air

A Trilogy in 5 Parts; Month 5 of my Korean Adventure

You will hear a lot of advice about how to live in a foreign country (if you decide to do so). The most important I will ever impart is this: there is no point if you don't have adventures. It's easy to get caught up in your daily bubble - work, errands, home, repeat. But … Continue reading A Trilogy in 5 Parts; Month 5 of my Korean Adventure

Everybody’s Gone Surfin’, Surfin’ Haeundae!

LIFE I've become one of those people who are suddenly shocked by the passing of time. "What? It's spring ALREADY???" Another month has gone by, and on one hand, I feel like I just got to Korea, but on the other, HAVE I EVER NOT LIVED HERE? Ahhhh, the contradictions of time, making fools of … Continue reading Everybody’s Gone Surfin’, Surfin’ Haeundae!

Month The First

It has officially been a month since I arrived in South Korea. Happy one month anniversary, ME! This first month has been bonkers and stressful and exciting and exhausting and fun and sweaty and frustrating and lovely. LIFE: https://youtu.be/U7PdN6MwCY4 I've made some new friends and gone on new adventures and experienced some hilarious disasters. 🙋‍♀The … Continue reading Month The First